Purveyors of Experience Design

Sequel is a full service experience design agency. Which means we research, concept, prototype, strategize, design, and develop solutions for digital products, software and applications. The word sequel means “a continuation” which is how we see the experience design process. Ongoing, striving to improve, and never finished.

Our Services


Research, direction and planning to ensure your initiatives start off on the right foot.


Architecture, wireframing, and prototypes to stress test your ideas before overcommitting.


Detail and polish that brings concepts into sharp focus.


Bring all the pieces together with experienced on-shore development.

The Work

Chris Mayfield

A proven creative leader with client experience ranging from fortune 50 companies to emerging start ups. A passion for creating world class products and campaigns which has guided his experience beyond creative management and into operations, new business, and entrepreneurial ventures.
Lets make some magic together!